Henrik Wadell's spear form

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The Syllabus Spear Form, written by Henrik Wadell.

The weight is at each stage either on the front foor (F) or on the rear foor (R). Start spear in your right hand, feet parallel and shoulder width. The place of the hands varies when using spear and here upper hand (ie. hand nearest to the point of the spear) is indicated as being either left or right.

I: Strike

1. Assume tutta porta di ferro, stepping forward with your left foot. (F)

2. Thrust with a pass forwards. (F)

II: Parry and strike (against an attack to the face from posta di fenestra sinestra)

3. Switch hands (left is now the upper hand on the spear) and bring spear to posta di fenestra sinestra with a volta stabile. (R)

4. As opponent comes with a thrust beat it to your right and thrust with a pass. (F)

5. Switch hands on the spear (right) and bring spear to posta di fenestra destra with a volta stabile. (R)

III: Counter-remedy (against a parry from posta di fenestra destra)

6. Make a thrust with a pass forwards. (F)

7. As the opponent parries your thrust come in with the butt of your spear and thrust the opponent in the chest while passing. (F)

8. Assume tutta porta di ferro. (R)

IV: Parry against a sword (against a mandritto fendente)

9. As opponent attacks with a mandritto fendente beat his sword to the left while passing and thrust. (F)

10. Bring spear to porta di ferro mezzana with a volta stabile. (F)

V: Parry and strike (against a thrust to the chest)

11. Beat opponent's spear to the left and thrust with a pass. (F)

12. Bring spear to posta di fenestra sinestra with a volta stabile. (R) (Note that the grip doesn't change)

VI: Counter-remedy (against a parry from posta di fenestra destra)

13. Make a thrust with a pass forwards. (F)

14. As the opponent parries your thrust come in to thrust with the butt of your spear while passing. (F)

15. Switch your hand (left), look over your right shoulder and assume posta di vera croce. (R)

VII: Parry and strike (against a thrust from tutta porta di ferro)

16. As the opponent comes with a thrust pass backwards while beating his spear to your right. Thrust to his chest. (F)

17. Look over your right shoulder and assume posta di vera croce. (R)

VIII: Defence against a pollax (against an attack from posta di donna destra)

18. Parry the strike keeping your spear horizontal with an accressere fora di strada e passo alla traversa and thrust the opponent. (F)

19. Look over your right shoulder and assume posta di dente zenghiaro. (R)

IX: Feint (against a parry from posta di fenestra destra)

20. Bring your spear forward with a volta stabile. As the opponent comes to parry drop your point under his parry and thrust with a pass. (F)

21. Switch hands (right) and assume tutta porta di ferro. (F)

X: Counter-remedy with a takedown (against a parry from posta di fenestra destra)

22. Attack with a thrust to opponen't face while passing. (F)

23. As the opponent comes with a parry come in with the butt of your spear while taking a pass, place the end of the spear horizontally over his chest and make a takedown to your left. (F)

24. Thrust the opponent on the ground with the butt of your spear. (F)

XI: Strike

25. After the strike against the opponent on the ground pass to the right and thrust. (F)

26. Finish.