Where historical accuracy meets practical training. Learn Historical Martial Arts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.
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Guy frequently keeps his blog updated with thoughts, challenges, interviews and more!
Lots going on this week: the new Fiore film is raising funds; the Historical Fencing Research company has released its findings on tip safety; the Fiore facsimile books are printing and shipping as we speak; and I even made it briefly to the Wallace Collection (for the millionth time).
Have you seen the short movie Fiore? It’s a ten minute film with extraordinary historical accuracy and detail, about Fiore dei Liberi. It came out in 2022. I interviewed the film maker Alberto Mattea in episode 145 of The Sword Guy. (There’s a link to the film on youtube in the shownotes.) I reviewed it at the time:
“I loved FIORE. It manages the almost impossible feat of being both historically accurate and entertaining, with appeal for anyone who likes sword fights, as well as for Fiore specialists. It is by far the best depiction of the period I have ever seen, with extraordinary attention to detail in the clothing, furniture, food, even the process of making manuscripts. I’ve spent my life studying Fiore’s works, and it was wonderful to see the master’s words come alive on the screen.”
Well, they are doing a sequel! And they are raising funds on Indiegogo right now. You can find the project here. They are asking for a tiny amount of money, so every little helps. If you’d like to support the project, please do!
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Swordschool.com: For students of Medieval and Renaissance Italian martial arts.
Where historical accuracy meets practical training.
Books, facsimiles, audiobooks, online courses and t-shirts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.