Where historical accuracy meets practical training. Learn Historical Martial Arts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.
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I’m actually writing this last week, as I’m dashing off to Helsinki on Monday 13th, for seminars at the weekend (18th and 19th). So, greetings from snowy Finland!
On New Year’s Day I went into my shed to sharpen a scraper, and while testing it for sharpness cleaned a patch of something off my bench top. This lead me to dress the bench. For non-cabinetmakers: dressing the bench means planing it flat, something you need to do every now and then because wood changes shape over time, and it’s useful to have a dead-flat bench to work on. New Year’s Day seemed like a perfect time for it, getting things ready to make stuff in 2025.
Here it is:
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Swordschool.com: For students of Medieval and Renaissance Italian martial arts.
Where historical accuracy meets practical training.
Books, facsimiles, audiobooks, online courses and t-shirts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.