Where historical accuracy meets practical training. Learn Historical Martial Arts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.
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Brush up on your theory and terminology as if by magic with Guy’s fun, tactical and secretly educational duelling card game.
Guy frequently keeps his blog updated with thoughts, challenges, interviews and more!
The big news this week is that I have hashed out an arrangement with Freelance Academy Press, publishers of my The Medieval Dagger and The Armizare Vade Mecum, that allows me to sell all versions of these two books on my shopify store. Hurrah!
If you’re not familiar with The Armizare Vade Mecum, it’s a series of mnemonic verses for learning Fiore’s Art of Arms. It began when I was thinking about the verse structure of Fiore’s writing, and noticed that one of the paragraphs on folio 9v has about the right amount of ideas in it for a sonnet. Here’s the prose translation:
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Swordschool.com: For students of Medieval and Renaissance Italian martial arts.
Where historical accuracy meets practical training.
Books, facsimiles, audiobooks, online courses and t-shirts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.