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Where historical accuracy meets practical training. Learn Historical Martial Arts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.

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latest news - 27 September '24


I got back from Mexico on Tuesday night. Oh my goddess, what a trip. It was a blast from start to finish- though some of that blasting came out of my rear end when my system finally protested the influx of amazing food.

Montezuma’s revenge, baby.

I’ve written up a pretty thorough review of the first week of the trip here: https://guywindsor.net/2024/09/viva-la-panoplia-y-viva-mexico/

I’m still processing the rest of the trip (and my antibiotics!), so will write it up for the blog later and link to it in my next email (if all goes according to plan). But suffice to say I’ve come back inspired to produce a whole new online course, and a new way of preparing students for seminars. But most importantly I’ve come back with a whole bunch of new family members I only just met. My hosts Elena and Eduardo, and Antonio and Juanita, could not have been kinder or more hospitable. When you’re invited into their homes, they say “estas en tu casa”, “You are in your home”. And they absolutely mean it.

The real measure of how looked-after you feel is when you get ill. Do you feel safe where you are? In my case, when my guts exploded last Saturday, I honestly felt entirely safe and (as far as possible) comfortable. That’s a rare and precious thing.