Become an accomplished swordfighter, even without a sparring partner.
Solo training is at the heart of all martial arts practice – the world’s top swordsmen all spent the lion’s share of their training time practicing alone.
This course package includes everything Swordschool Online offers that can be done completely by yourself, most of it needing little to no special equipment. It takes a holistic approach that develops both your body and your mind, and the sheer range of materials here means that everyone from absolute beginners to seasoned fighters can benefit.
This package contains the following complete courses, each of which are also available separately:
This course also contains a huge amount of new training material in which Guy will teach you how to improve your martial arts prowess completely alone, including:
Just to round things off, this package also includes two courses designed by guest trainers to supplement Guy’s lessons:
This is a huge amount of material; the largest package we offer short of our whole-syllabus subscription. It’s the perfect way to get started alone, to supplement your classes and partner practice, and to take your existing knowledge to the next level.
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We won’t spam you, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Check our privacy policy for details of what we will do with your data (short version – we’ll send you occasional emails about interesting stuff, and nothing else!) For students of Medieval and Renaissance Italian martial arts.
Where historical accuracy meets practical training.
Books, facsimiles, audiobooks, online courses and t-shirts from world-renowned instructor and pioneering researcher of medieval and renaissance martial arts Dr Guy Windsor.